The exhibition consists of seven paintings that are dispayed along side the texts of th Holy Writ, Job Book.
Throught my works of abstract painting. I attempt to depict the feelings we all experince on the way to forgiveness and reconsisliation. When we feel endeservedly hurt, when we cAn‘t understand the cause and meaning of our pain, when we feelpowerless and abandoned like children whose have lost love of their parents. The heart of the child is torn by overwhelming and hardly perceived anguish when the closest peple-parents hurt, rejact them. Only as adulst we understand our our injured hearts and need for a healing power of love, forgivenss and reconciliation.‘
This group of paintings was dedcated to the Paparčių Šv. Juozapo children home to mark the tenth year anniversary. Later the exbibition was at the Kaunas Vytautas Church. Vilnius Lutheran Church, Pavilnys Recollectin House, Šventažeris Parish House, Guroniai Recolection House, Vilnius Church of Blessed Jurgis Matulaitis., St. Casimir Church in Vilnius.
On the base of these painings the book „Seven feeling according Job drama“ was published.
The book you can by at the Bernardinai Chuch book shop..
You kindly invided to visit my studio – gallery “Menų dirbtuves“ at Liejyklos str. 4, Vilnius,
Best Wishes
Birutė Nomeda