by birute | Jun 21, 2021 | exibitions
Exhibition dates: 3rd-30th June 2021 DEAD SOCIAL Curated by Monika Barbara Srodon BOLIM JEON (KR) P MULLIGAN (UK) BIRUTĖ NOMEDA-STANKŪNIENĖ (LT) ANNA SALMANE (LV) MONIKA BARBARA SRODON (PL) RUTH WATERS (UK) Vilnius art space “GODÒ gallery” is presenting the...
by birute | Aug 2, 2015 | exibitions
THE EXHIBITION OF PHOTOGRAPHY BY SIMONAS VAIKASAS 2015-07-28 15:39:52 The main visual motif of Simonas Vaikasas photography – seashore coast; elements – intersection of water, sky and earth. Seashore sort of reflects the world model, where the wavering soul of a...