The main visual motif of Simonas Vaikasas photography – seashore coast; elements – intersection of water, sky and earth. Seashore sort of reflects the world model, where the wavering soul of a sensitive person humbly intervenes. Each picture is supplemented by a text line, poetic clue, and verbal meaning expanding the visual space.
S. Vaikasas presents not only the image of infinite sea or eternal dome of sky, but also the fragility of human existence, which is reflected in trash polished by water and sun or a bird feather carried by wind. It is interesting, how opposite things attract each other: naïve, playful being and depressing feeling of inevitability, quietness and anxiety. Therefore, works of S. Vaikasas consist of several layers; each of them allows to choose the most convenient point of understanding. One of them satisfies a lyrically simple and careless glare, which misses the romantic being, the other presents the breathing of infinite eternity and cold, damp shadow of death and inevitability.
Works of S. Vaikasas do not have any claims towards the search of new means of expression, attempt to surprise or to shock. It is rather a direct attempt to present the moist, lyrics, and melancholy of being filled with the seashore atmosphere.
Simonas works and lives in London, UK.