by birute | Mar 6, 2019 | News from studio/Artist thoughts
Reflections on the project ‘Mourning And Social Media’: In the context of topic of the project, I would like to distinguish two related things – death and mourning and their relationship with social media. According to my experiences, death is a...
by birute | Jul 31, 2016 | News from studio/Artist thoughts
Efforts to imitate nature and catch the summer on canvas. Wonderful time, full of bright colours, shapes, and smells. Everything comes to life. So much to do, so many things to paint. At the same time, I find myself trying to catch this fluttery feeling of joy and a...
by birute | Jan 15, 2016 | News from studio/Artist thoughts
An inspiring chain of events led to my involvement in two interesting projects dedicate to the 500 years death anniversary of the one of the greatest medieval dutch artists – Hieronymus Bosh. ‘Jeroen Bosch Plaza’ project invited me to contribute to...