On the 10th of April 2011 the exhibition „Seven Feelings According Job Book“ by Birutė Nomeda Aukštuolytė Kisielytė Stankūnienė was opened in the Vilnius Church of Blessed Jurgis Matulaitis. The exhibition will be available for the visitors until the 1st of May 2011.
The exhibition consists of seven paintings that are displayed alongside the texts of the Holy Writ,
„Through my works of abstract painting, I attempt to convey the feelings we all experience on the way to forgiveness. When we feel undeservedly hurt, when we can‘t understand the cause and meaning of our pain, when we feel powerless and abandoned like children who have lost the love of their parents. The heart of a child is torn by overwhelming and hardly perceived anguish when the closest people- parents- instead of loving and caring- choose to hurt.
Only as adults we understand our injured hearts and the need for a healing power of love, forgiveness and conciliation.
This group of paintings was dedicated to the Paparčių Šv. Juozapo children‘s home to mark the tenth year anniversary. Later the exhibition was displayed in the Kaunas Vytautas Church, Vilnius Lutheran Church, Pavilnys Recollection House, Šventežerys Parish House and Guruoniai Recollection House. „It is very joyful that my abstract emotional attitude is recognisable to the countryside as well as urban people. This is an important virtue for me.”- said the author. These and other pieces of art could also be found in the gallery „Menu dirbtuvės“, located in Vilnius old town, Liejyklos street 4 and in the internet site www.menudirbtuves.lt. Birutė-Nomeda Aukštuolytė – Kisielytė – Stankūnienė was born in 1963. In 1987 she graduated from Kaunas Technology University and in 2009- from Vilnius Art Academy. An article about the exhibition. |