The concept of the exhibition
The term ANATOMY refers to the body structure of living organisms, i. e., it’s the structure research on man and every living being. At all times artists have taken interest in the anatomy of human body to know forms of human and animal figures and portray it realistic. Modern artist raise himself the more abstract question – “What is the anatomy of XXI c.”?
Artistical “autopsy” may spring a surprise: the inside breaks and the outside becomes the inside – weapons, crying terminator and the rag doll with iron jaws?
The “ANATOMY of XXI c.” is a sequal of exhibition named “Self-portrait of XXI c.”. The art works done on wide range of techniques at this exposition are exhibited by over 80 Lithuanian artists. We hope that this exhibition will be interesting for visitors. The project is supported by The Culture Support Foundation. The curator of the exhibition – Ričardas Zdanavičius.