by birute | Rgp 13, 2016 | events/news
An inspiring chain of events led to my involvement in two interesting projects dedicate to the 500 years death anniversary of the one of the greatest medieval dutch artists – Hieronymus Bosh. ‘Jeroen Bosch Plaza’ project invited me to contribute to...
by birute | Rgp 13, 2016 | events/news
Bandymai perteikti gamtą ir pagauti vasarą drobėje. Nuostabus laikas, pilnas ryškių spalvų, vaizdų ir kvapų. Viskas veržiasi link gyvybės. Tiek daug dar reikia padaryti, tiek daug dar reikia nutapyti. Tuo pat metu supratau, kad bandau sulaikyti šiuos džiugesio jausmus...
by birute | Rgp 11, 2016 | events/news, exibitions
Exhibition of paintings at the gallery in NHS facilities in north London. Birute Nomeda Stankuniene invites visitors to slow down and take time for self-discovery. Opening Evening & Private View – Tuesday, October 11th Reserve your place here! Spalio 11 d. Londono...